He taonga ā tātou kai katoa — all food matters
Helping New Zealanders make simple changes at home to waste less food.
The Programme
Te hōtaka
Every Bite is a month-long facilitated programme, where you will carry out simple experiments at home to better understand and prevent your food waste.
Every Bite is delivered by the Zero Waste Network in partnership with the Ministry for the Environment.
Join Every Bite, and share food and knowledge that will enrich people and the planet for generations.
take part?
He aha ngā take mō te tūhono mai?
The Every Bite programme has been created by and for the community, providing local solutions that work.
Learn easy, flexible ways to prevent food waste: small changes that make a big difference
Understand your own food waste better
Experiment with food waste prevention tips and tools, and decide what works for you
Connect with like-minded peers, and join a growing collective of people who do their bit for the planet by wasting less, and celebrating Every Bite
Contribute new evidence that will help us better understand and prevent Aotearoa’s household food waste
86% of Every Bite programme participants reported feeling more resourceful and more able to reduce their food waste
“At Every Bite I learned to be even more conscious of my food consumption, to buy more responsibly, and put this issue at the centre of my decisions.”
— Every Bite Participant, Waikato
Your food has been on a journey to get to you
He haerenga nui kia tae atu ō kai ki a koe
It has taken resources like water and nutrients to grow, human labour to tend and harvest, and fossil fuels to transport it to you. Wasting kai means all of these resources are wasted too.
Right now, it is estimated that 30-40% of all kai produced globally gets lost or wasted*.
Homes in Aotearoa New Zealand are throwing away over 157,000 tonnes of edible food every year - that’s enough to feed everyone in Dunedin for almost three years! Wasting this kai is expensive too, costing the average kiwi household $1,326 a year.
To date, 70% of Every Bite programme participants have shared that they are much more aware of food waste as a problem and 86% said they feel better equipped to prevent food waste in their household.

is this for?
People who want to do their bit for our environment, and future generations, by reducing their food waste at home.
The programme is great for individuals, families, community groups, schools and other organisations wanting to make a difference, while also saving money on food.
Local Hubs work with partners and ambassadors from within their communities. If you’re interested in helping your community prevent food waste at home, get in touch!
Mā wai tēnei kaupapa?
“The weekly meal challenge gave us healthier, tasty foods using home-made stocks and sauces, and interesting food combinations we hadn't used before!”
— Every Bite Participant, Hawke’s Bay

Aotearoa is leading the way towards a less wasteful relationship with food.
Join Every Bite and become part of our Food Appreciation Movement (FAM!) — Whakamihatia te kai.
Our Year 1 Report provides a detailed summary of the journey so far, including —
What we've learned about food waste in Aotearoa households
How we've fostered collaboration that amplifies the strengths of our place-based Hubs
How existing behaviour change knowledge has shaped the programme
What we've learned about shifting mindsets and behaviours in Aotearoa households