Introducing our Year 2 Every Bite Hubs

We are excited to announce the Hubs who will be delivering the Every Bite food waste prevention programme in year 2. They are:

  • Tiaki Taiao o te Tai Tokerau, and EcoSolutions (collaboration), (Northland)

  • Kaipatiki Project (Auckland, north)

  • The Beautification Trust (Auckland, south)

  • Seagull Centre Collective (collaboration), (Waikato/Hauraki)

  • Environmental Education for Resource Sustainability Trust (Bay of Plenty/schools engagement across Aotearoa)

  • Gizzy Kai Rescue Charitable Trust & Tairawhiti Environment Centre (collaboration, Gisborne)

  • Sustainable Hawke’s Bay (returning from year 1), (Hawke’s Bay)

  • Wastebusters (returning from year 1), (Wānaka)

‘There was significant interest in the opportunity to deliver Every Bite,’ says Project Manager Rachel Glasier, with over four times as many submissions received as there were spots available. ‘We hope to stay in touch with the many strong applicants, and continue the conversation when planning for year 3.’

The selection committee considered Hubs on their capacity, capability, experience in delivering behaviour change programmes, audiences, and networks, as well as the tenure and experience of each organisation.

‘The project team is looking forward to the expertise and insights that the incoming Hubs will bring to this kaupapa,’ says Rachel. ‘We've been lucky to work with some great partners in our first year, who have been invaluable in shaping the programme. This next step helps Every Bite expand its reach and impact even further.’

‘Tiaki Taiao (Far North Environment Trust) and EcoSolutions are looking forward to supporting Far North whānau with this programme,’ says Jo Shanks from EcoSolutions. ‘The knowledge and tools will help us all move up the waste hierarchy to reduce food waste, and appreciate every bite.’

Each of the Hubs taking part will receive support and resources to deliver the Every Bite content, supported by a hui in November and a nationwide communications campaign.

Year 2 for Every Bite will commence October 1st, 2024, with new Hubs delivering a pilot programme early in 2025 ahead of a coordinated month-long delivery in May 2025. There will also be an opportunity for interested participants outside of the Hub regions to take part in a facilitated online programme.  This online-only programme will be delivered by Nicola Turner (Mainstream Green), who will bring a wealth of inspiration and experience.

We will be engaging more delivery partners as the programme grows, so if you’re interested in taking part in Every Bite in the future, register your interest here.


Direction is more important than speed - Rebecca’s experience with Every Bite